Brenda Stout Cornish of Eureka Springs passed away on September 28,2024, at the age of 73.A celebration of Life service for Brenda Stout Cornish will be 2:00 p.m.,Friday, October 11, 2024, at Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Memorials for Brenda Stout Cornish can made to American DiabetesAssociation.Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service.Online condolences may be sent to
Charlene Meraz of Berryville passed away August 11, 2024, in Berryville atthe age of 75.Deanna Wood of Berryville passed away in Berryville at the age of 52.Celebration of Life Services for Charlene Meraz and Deanna Wood will be10:00 am, Saturday, October 12, 2024, at the Carroll Electric CommunityRoom.Memorial donations may be made to Circle of Life Hospice, 901 JonesRoad, Springdale, AR 72762.Arrangements are under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service. Onlinecondolences may be sent to
Gayla Renee Handley of Harrison passed away September 9, 2024, inHarrison at the age of 60.A memorial service for Gayla Renee Handley will be 4:00 p.m., Saturday,October 12, 2024, at Kings River Church.Memorial donations for Gayla Renee Handley may be made to St. Jude’sChildren’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.Cremation arrangements are under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service.Online condolences may be sent to
Jeanie Kelsey of Eureka Springs passed away September 26, 2024, inEureka Springs at the age of 80.Celebration of Life services for Jeanie Kelsey will be at 10:00 a.m.,Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Nelson’s Chapel of the Springs in EurekaSprings.Memorial donations for Jeanie Kelsey may be made to Good ShepherdHumane Society, 486 Hwy 62 East, Eureka Springs, AR 72632. Cremationarrangements are under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service. Onlinecondolences may be sent to
Lyle VanBlaricom of Berryville, Arkansas passed away Saturday, October5 th in Berryville, at the age of 84.A private family service will be held for Lyle VanBlaricom at a later date.Memorial donations for Lyle VanBlaricom may be made to St. Jude’sChildren’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.Arrangements for Lyle VanBlaricom under the direction of Nelson FuneralService. Online condolences may be sent to
Leticia Hernandez Gonzalez of Green Forest, Arkansas passed awayTuesday, October 1 st in Fayetteville, Arkansas, at the age of 52.Visitation for Leticia Hernandez Gonzalez will be 5:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m.,Friday, October 11, 2024, at the Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Funeral service for Leticia Hernandez Gonzalez will be 10:00 a.m.,Saturday, October 12, 2024, at St. Anne’s Catholic Church. Interment willfollow at Berryville Memorial Park Cemetery.Memorial donations for Leticia Hernandez Gonzalez may be made to St.Anne’s Catholic Church, 614 S. Main Street, Berryville, AR 72616.Arrangements for Leticia Hernandez Gonzalez under the direction ofNelson Funeral Service. Online condolences may be sent
Jeremiah Martin of Eureka Springs passed away October 9, 2024, at theage of 42.Graveside service for Jeremiah Martin will be 10:00 am, Friday, October 11,2024, at Gaskins Switch Cemetery.Memorial donations for Jeremiah Martin may be made to Gaskins SwitchCemetery. Arrangements under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service. Online condolences may be sent to the family at