Jerry L. George of Blue Eye, Missouri passed away Wednesday, January15 th in Springfield, Missouri at the age of 73.Visitation for Jerry L. George will be 5:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m., Friday, January24, 2025, at the Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Memorial service for Jerry L. George will be 11:00 a.m., Saturday, January25, 2025, at Mt. Olivet Free Will Baptist Church.Memorial donations for Jerry L. George may be made to St. Jude’sChildren’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.Cremation arrangements for Jerry L. George under the direction of NelsonFuneral Service. Online condolences may be sent to the family
James Rusterholz, Sr. of Berryville Arkansas passed away January 17,2025, in Springdale, Arkansas at the age of 88.Visitation for James Rusterholz, Sr. will be 1:00 p.m. till 2:00 p.m.,Thursday, January 23, 2025, at Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Funeral services for James Rusterholz, Sr. will be 2:00 p.m., Thursday,January 23, 2025, at Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Memorial donations may be made to Circle of Life Hospice Springdale, 901Jones Road Springdale, AR 72762. Arrangements are under the directionof Nelson Funeral Service. Online condolences may be sent
Patsy Gunn of Holiday Island, Arkansas passed away Monday, January 13 thin Rogers, Arkansas at the age of 86.Memorial service for Patys Gunn will be 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, January 21,2025, at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish Center, 232 Passion Play Rd,Eureka Springs, AR 72632.Memorial donations for Patsy Gunn may be made to the Michael J. FoxParkinson’s Foundation or the American Heart Foundation.Cremation arrangements for Patsy Gunn are under the direction of NelsonFuneral Service. Online condolences may be sent to
Jackson Floor of Berryville passed away January 9, 2025, at the age of 14months.Visitation for Jackson Floor will be held from 10:00 a.m. till 11:00 a.m.,Friday, January 24, 2025, at King’s Chapel in Berryville.Funeral service for Jackson Floor will be at 11:00 am, Friday, January 24,2025, at King’s Chapel in Berryville. Burial will be 10:00 am, Saturday,January 25, 2025, at Berryville Memorial Park Cemetery.Arrangements are under the care of Nelson Funeral Service. Onlinecondolences can be shared at
Bud Allen- Memorial/ Funeral Services for Bud Allen of Shell Knob will be 11:00am monday, January 27th at Mt. Olivet Freewill Babtist Church in Blue Eye.
Bud Allen passed away January 25th at the age of 87. Interment for Bud will be at Blue Eye Cemetery. visitation for Bud will be 10-11am, prior to the service on Monday.
Arrangements by Smith Family Funeral Home of Green Forest. On line condolences...
Margie Armer of Huntsville passed away January 21, 2025, in Huntsville atthe age of 86.Visitation for Margie Armer will be 9:00 am till 10:00 am, Saturday, January25, 2025, at Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel.Funeral service for Margie Armer will be 10:0 am, Saturday, January 25,2025, at Charles M. Nelson Memorial Chapel. Burial will follow at LibertyCemetery in Osage.Memorial donations for Margie Armer may be made to Liberty Cemetery,c/o Harold Logan, 1893 Hwy 412, Huntsville, AR 72740. Arrangements areunder the direction of Nelson Funeral Service. Online condolences may besent to